So I’d like to point out that I was into the Basic Income idea long before it was cool. Or long after. You see, it was cool in the 1970’s, then it became a fringe idea during the long neoliberal 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s. Lately, though, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s being talked about again enthusiastically in quite mainstream circles. The caucus of the centrist Liberal Party of Canada even called it their top policy priority in the fall of 2020. If you’ve never read much about the idea of a guaranteed income for every citizen, then this article is a good starting point.
“Three years ago, Jay Hammond figured his time was nearly up. At least he’d led a full life: Marine Corps fighter pilot in World War Two; bush pilot in Alaska; master hunter and fisher with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and over two decades of political service, culminating as the Governor of Alaska. Shortly after retiring from office, he dreamt that he’d be granted 20 more years of life at his beloved Lake Clark homestead, to do penance for whatever “sins of omission or commission” he may have inflicted. When those 20 years expired in 2002, Hammond waited stoically for the end.”